07 June 2011

Baby Bunting

"Sorry who are you again?" Feast & Stitches to me - Fancy feeling like a stranger on my own blog!

I haven't completely deserted the craft in my life, just chugging along at a slower pace. I gave a new project whirl a month or so ago and I have finally managed to get my act together, retrieve the pics and post about it. One of my dear friends who lives all the way up in sunny Queensland, recently announced the arrival of her beautiful twins Phoenix and Indie. I'd been wanting to give bunting a go and thought it would be a gorgeous addition to their room and a perfect pressie for posting.

Fabric wise I went for something a little funky and not too babyish and not super boyish or girlish. There was lots of cutting out time involved as I was making one for each bub and each flag is double sided with interfacing in between to stiffen them up. I think if I made them again, I would probably skip the interfacing to speed up the process, but otherwise they were pretty straight forward and turned out pretty cute!

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